3 Secret WhatsApp Tips

WhatsApp will soon allow users to send high-quality videos

WhatsApp will soon allow users to send high-quality videos

WhatsApp will soon allow users to send high-quality videos

WhatsApp Beta v2.23.14.10 for Android comes with the ability to allow users to send high-quality videos. Usually, it has been noticed that the app compresses videos for faster as well as storage and data-efficient sharing. However, this function ruins the entire experience in some cases.

High-quality videos sharing comes to WhatsApp

With the latest Beta update, WhatsApp lets users send high-quality videos. When enabled, this feature maintains the dimensions of the video, but light compression is still applied. This means that you can’t share videos in their original quality, but the final quality will surely be better.

WhatsApp previously introduced the feature for images, and for video, the option is always “Standard quality.” This way, whenever you want to share a new video with better quality, you will need to select the high-quality option in the pop-up section.


  1. If this feature is enabled for your account, it may be necessary to select a video that is large in size.
  2. Video shared using a high-quality option will be marked as a high-quality video in the conversation.
  3. This feature is not available when sharing videos through status updates.

