Samsung SmartThings AI Energy Mode Feature

AI Energy Mode

Nowadays, we prefer to buy those household electrical appliances which are affordable and do not consume much electricity. People are looking for systems that help them save money and reduce their environmental impact. So don’t worry, Samsung is introducing a feature called SmartThings AI Energy Mode, which helps you save energy by optimizing connected devices.

What is AI Energy Mode?

AI Energy Mode is the power-saving feature of Samsung SmartThings Energy. It intelligently tracks a variety of variables, using an AI-enhanced system to weigh loads of laundry, set defrost cycles, and estimate electricity bills.

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This mode can bring a variety of positive changes and convenient solutions to the home, reducing costs and making life easier every second. It covers a wide range of home areas to make your devices more useful.

This is a wonderful feature by which we can save energy and cost as well as reduce the pressure on consumers and the environment. This is the beginning of Samsung’s vision for a truly efficient, eco-friendly home.

Samsung aims to make all of its major home devices Wi-Fi-enabled and SmartThings compatible by 2023, and its Net-Zero Home project with QSell aims to meet the future with SmartThings storage and management from built-in solar panels.

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