Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4/Galaxy Z Flip 4 users get Secure Wi-Fi feature free of charge

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Samsung has officially offered a deal on its newly launched smartphones, the Galaxy Z Fold 4 and Galaxy Z Flip 4, where users of the devices can access secure Wi-Fi services for free.

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Moreover, it is a paid service​​ that protects personal information and data through encryption technology when connected to Wi-Fi. Not to mention, this isn’t a Wi-Fi service, but it does prevent your personal information from being hacked or leaked while you’re connected to public Wi-Fi.

Users who purchase and activate the Galaxy Z Fold 4 and Galaxy Z Flip 4 between September 1 and December 31, 2022, can now enjoy secure Wi-Fi access for the next 6 months.

Also, this 6-month free trial is only available to new customers using Secure Wi-Fi for the first time and customers who already have a Secure Wi-Fi subscription. Offer not applicable.

How to activate it?

Enable the Secure Wi-Fi Feature on your Galaxy smartphones through Settings >> Biometric and security >> Secure Wi-Fi. While carriers can use Secure wifi by searching it in Galaxy Store and downloading the app.

Now, start the Secure Wi-Fi- app, tap on the Protection plan, and then Start a Free trial. A pop-up box appears that shows the detail on starting the free trial and automatic termination after 6 months, you can now tap on Free trial start.


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