Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 US Variant: A deep dive into its CPU performance on Geekbench

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6
Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6

Key Points:

  • Unlike its gesture, the US variant of the Samsung Z Flip 6 under the model SM-F741U which benchmarked on the Geekbench showcased its performance which is similar to that of the Galaxy S24 Ultra.
  • Notably, the presented gadget has shown great work in the rating of single-core and also multi-core, recording a score of 1794 and 4486, respectively in the power of multi-core.
  • The Geekbench listing, however, is a little confusing as the RAM capacity on the device has not been unveiled but from the table, there seem to be two variants, one with 8GB and one with 12GB RAM capacity.

One of the most recent Granbench investigations focuses specifically on the US version of the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 and its model number SM-F741U. The machine once again turned heads as professionals set out to thoroughly evaluate its CPU performance. Under these circumstances, searching user X Cid found a non-perforated jacket that likes to present its superior processing capabilities in a great way.

With an impressive single-core speed of 1794 and multi-core usability spanning up to 4486 points marking the multi-core test from this benchmark platform, the Galaxy Z Flip 6 US Edition performs computational calculations with ease. While the man appreciated sharing his experience, an important reality came to light regarding his memory access.

Earlier a version with 8GB RAM was available, but now a version with 12GB RAM can also be available. However, it does indicate that given the trend of choice preferences, it is likely that Samsung will produce different versions of the Galaxy Z Fold 3 in this category.

Apart from the brand’s hardware, rumors in the tech sector whisper about the release of the Galaxy Z Flip 6 during a launch with flexi-foldable at Samsung’s planned grand unveiling. With a flurry of unveilings in Paris ahead of the Olympics, enthusiasts are bracing for a series of foldable wonders: the Galaxy Z Flip 6 and Galaxy Z Fold 6 are here, plus another device on Samsung’s horizon – the Galaxy Z Fold 6 Ultra.

Furthermore, it is also said that the color palette will be widened by having 7 colors for the Galaxy Z Flip 6, while for the larger model, the Galaxy Z Fold 6, the number is 5. The controversy is growing with assumptions of the presence of a more affordable version of the Galaxy Z f6 FE (Fan Edition) that will give more people the possibility to use Samsung’s foldable innovation that will support wider access to this technology.

Blight is an aspiring Samsung enthusiast and technology aficionado, dedicated to exploring the extraordinary realms facilitated by cutting-edge innovations. He is passionate about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its potential to transform industries, enhance human experiences, and shape a better future. Fascinated by the delicate beauty and he is captivating essence of flowers, finding solace in their presence. He is constantly seeking knowledge and growth, eager to connect with like-minded individuals and build meaningful relationships.
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