Next-gen processors and Galaxy Buds 3 poised for a dramatic revamp

Samsung Galaxy Buds 3
Samsung Galaxy Buds 3

Top 3 Key Points:

  • Samsung is reportedly developing a 2nm Exynos processor (codenamed “Thetis”) for potential use in the Galaxy S26 series in 2026. This cutting-edge chip could give Samsung a significant edge in the mobile processor market.
  • The Galaxy Buds 3 is expected to receive a major design overhaul, ditching the current “kidney bean” shape for a new “bean sprout” design. This redesign promises not only improved aesthetics but also potentially better performance and battery life.
  • Samsung aims to launch the Galaxy Buds 3 alongside new foldable phones and smartwatches at its upcoming July Unpacked event. These new earbuds might boast enhanced call quality, active noise cancellation (ANC), and AI integration for a seamless user experience.

Samsung, the South Korean tech giant, is making strides on multiple fronts according to recent rumors. In the realm of mobile processors, they’ve reportedly begun development on a next-generation 2nm Exynos chip codenamed “Thetis.” This cutting-edge processor could potentially power the Galaxy S26 series in 2026, putting Samsung at the forefront of mobile processing technology.

The 2nm Exynos development appears to be a strategic move by Samsung to stay competitive with rivals like TSMC, Qualcomm, and MediaTek. While TSMC also plans for 2nm SoC mass production, Samsung’s “Thetis” project signifies their commitment to staying ahead of the curve. Mass production for “Thetis” is anticipated for late 2025, with a potential debut in the Galaxy S26 lineup the following year. This advancement could be a significant milestone in the foundry industry, pushing the boundaries of chip miniaturization and performance.

Beyond processors, Samsung’s audio division is also abuzz with exciting developments. The highly anticipated Galaxy Buds 3 are rumored to receive a dramatic design overhaul. The current “kidney bean” shape might be replaced with a sleeker “bean sprout” design. This aesthetic change is reportedly accompanied by significant performance improvements and longer battery life, making the Galaxy Buds 3 even more appealing to consumers.

Industry reports suggest a potential July launch for the Galaxy Buds 3, possibly alongside new foldable phones and smartwatches at Samsung’s upcoming Unpacked event. The revamped design is said to be geared towards improved sound quality and overall performance. This could position the Galaxy Buds 3 as a serious competitor to Apple’s AirPods, particularly in terms of call quality. Additionally, rumors hint at the integration of AI features and seamless connectivity with Galaxy AI-powered phones, potentially elevating the user experience to a whole new level.

Samsung’s decision to potentially launch premium earbuds alongside their flagship phone and wearables this year indicates a renewed focus on the audio segment. This focus, coupled with the rumored design overhaul and performance improvements, suggests that the Galaxy Buds 3 could be a game-changer in the wireless earbud market. With cutting-edge processors on the horizon and a potential revolution in the audio space, Samsung appears to be gearing up for a future of technological dominance.

Blight is an aspiring Samsung enthusiast and technology aficionado, dedicated to exploring the extraordinary realms facilitated by cutting-edge innovations. He is passionate about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its potential to transform industries, enhance human experiences, and shape a better future. Fascinated by the delicate beauty and he is captivating essence of flowers, finding solace in their presence. He is constantly seeking knowledge and growth, eager to connect with like-minded individuals and build meaningful relationships.
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