Make the most of your summer trip with Samsung Smart Things!

Most people can plan a trip this summer, and most have a few road trip plans, either in their own private vehicle or in self-transport mode. They use Samsung-connected devices and solutions to make your travel experience more convenient, more enjoyable, and simpler.

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We will make your trip more enjoyable. Spend time with your family and enjoy the outdoor scenery. Samsung offers 4 tips to make your summer trip even more enjoyable. Most adults would have chosen a summer destination.

Samsung Smart Things:

When you leave home, you want peace of mind. You want to make sure everything is working fine in your home. So SmartThings, the IoT ecosystem, facilitates this management. They are compatible with all products connected to Samsung. You have full control over your home devices like lights, security cameras, and door locks. It arrives on your TV or refrigerator from your phone.

Better Road connectivity:

Samsung provides an easy solution to switch your Galaxy smartphone to a mobile hotspot. Kids can have fun playing over Wi-Fi and watching movies. Samsung devices connect quickly and cleanly. Music Share is a new way to spread music through your Galaxy device.

Cinematic Experience Outdoors:

Americans have always liked to plan a camp in a national or state park. Here you can enjoy your own outdoor cinema with a portable projector, freestyle. This is a very versatile and lightweight projector that weighs under 2 pounds. Equipped with smart speakers and ambient lighting, it is ideal for outdoor use.

Enjoy office freedom:

If you’re planning to extend your summer trip, Samsung will do it without hard work for you. Stay productive with the GalaxyTabS8. I use it as a second productive screen with my GalaxyBook2Pro. The Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 is currently available for as low as $95 on Amazon, so grab it before packing your bags for the holidays.

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